Mittwoch, 31. Juli 2013
Teilhabebericht 2013 der deutschen Bundesregierung
Dies ist der link zum Text des Berichtes (474 Seiten), veröffentlicht am 31.7.13 - link to an official report of the German government on participation and inclusion of persons with disability (German language only) -
Dienstag, 30. Juli 2013
ICT training as a "missing piece": the ATLEC project
ICT Training is a "missing piece" for many persons with disability. The initiative ATLEC - Assistive Technology Learning Through A Unified Curriculum . (funded by the EU Life-Long Learning Programm) undertook research into the needs of people with disabilities combined with a state of the art analysis into the ICT-AT training that is available and an evaluation of the quality of the training they have received.
The project will now be working with people with disabilities and other stakeholders, to create the curriculum in line with the research results. Here is the linnk to ATLEC
with special greetings to my friend Anna Evangelinou from Αναπηρια Τωρα (Disability Now), Greece!
The project will now be working with people with disabilities and other stakeholders, to create the curriculum in line with the research results. Here is the linnk to ATLEC
with special greetings to my friend Anna Evangelinou from Αναπηρια Τωρα (Disability Now), Greece!
Mittwoch, 24. Juli 2013
German Summary - deutschsprachige Zusammenfassung
Mosaike der Inklusion - Behinderte Menschen und Freiwillige lernen gemeinsam
Grundtvig Lernpartnerschaft 2013-15 (2013-1-IT2-GRU06-51980 2)
Es gibt Fortschritte beim Abbau von Barrieren und Inklusion in Europa, aber Menschen mit Behinderung und deren Eltern, Freunde oder Dienstleister sehen noch eine Menge "fehlende Stücke" im Mosaik ihrer Lebenschancen. Immer noch sind – je nach Art der Beeinträchtigung – wichtige Gebäude und Stellen unerreichbar, viele Vorgänge unverständlich, Arbeitsplätze nicht zu finden und soziale Beziehungen eingeschränkt. Unsere Partnerschaft - Organisationen aus Italien, Polen, Rumänien, Deutschland und der Türkei, die Menschen mit Behinderungen Tagesstätten, Freizeitgestaltung, Elternarbeit und Vertretung anbieten - gibt ihnen eine Bühne, um sich über die Situation in den verschiedenen Städten und Ländern auszutauschen. Dies wird durch künstlerische Arbeit und die gemeinsame Suche von Mosaiken der verschiedenen Arten in den Partnerstädten gefördert. Die Teilnehmenden lernen die verschiedenen Traditionen und Techniken kennen, wobei auch Personen mit schweren Beeinträchtigungen bei der Herstellung und Suche von Mosaiken eine führende Rolle übernehmen und sich als Experten in der Entdeckung dieses einzigartigen Erbes der europäischen Kultur zeigen können. So trainieren alle Teilnehmer ihre Kompetenz bei der Problemlösung, Initiative und Unternehmungsgeist.
Die Ergebnisse unserer Arbeiten werden in den Städten der Partner und im breiteren europäischen Maßstab bekannt gemacht und zur Diskussion gestellt. Die praktische Verbindung zur Kunst und Herstellung von Mosaiken wird einen Lernprozess anregen und neue Arten von integrativen Aktivitäten zu erproben. Mosaike können mit visuellen sowie auditiven Zugang realisiert werden und haben auch taktile Elemente. Dies stärkt das Verständnis für barrierefreie Kommunikation, Chancen, Kreativität und. Wir sehen Freiwillige in verschiedenen Bereichen der Gesellschaft als entscheidende Partner für einen solchen Prozess, die mithelfen, um die Gesellschaft als Ganzes in einer inklusiver Weise zu prägen. Sie werden Partner in allen Aktivitäten sein auch ebenfalls ihre Lebenssituation und die "fehlenden Steine" ihrer Träumen und Vorschläge beschreiben können.
Geplante Resultate
Alle Elemente werden im Laufe der Partnerschaft erstellt, auf den Treffen präsentiert und schließlich im Internet und geeigneten Medien der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt:
· Persönliche Berichte („schriftlich“ oder als Ton- oder Filmdokument, Collage …) zu Lebenssituation, Wünschen und "fehlenden Teile" der Inklusion von Personen mit und ohne Behinderung in den Partnerstädten (ca. 6 aus jeder Stadt),
· Präsentation der Mosaike, die während der Partnerschaftstreffen oder in lokalen Projekten erstellt worden sind,
· Beschreibungen von öffentlichen Mosaiken in den Partnerstädten („Führer“) und dem Zugang mit Beeinträchtigungen - ca. 4 aus jeder Stadt,
· Sammlung von Links und Internet-Ressourcen über das Thema der Partnerschaft und Dokumentation aller thematischen Beiträge während der Treffen.
Über die Partner:
Associazione Uniamoci Onlus (Palermo) ist eine Non-Profit-Organisation, die im Bereich der Integration arbeitet. Uniamoci hat mehr als 140 Mitglieder (80% sind Jugendliche und 50% sind junge Menschen mit Behinderungen). Es führt seine Aktivitäten mit einem kompetenten Personal von 20 Personen (bestehend aus Verwaltungskräften, Juristen, Planern, Physiotherapeuten und Psychologen) und die Unterstützung von mehreren Freiwilligen. Der Verband Hauptsitz und operatives Zentrum ist ein Gebäude (beschlagnahmt von der Mafia) in Brancaccio, einem benachteiligten Gebiet in Palermo. Die Aktivitäten sind zum Beispiel:
• lokale Projekten zur Förderung der Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderungen
• Reisen und regelmäßige Freizeitveranstaltungen
• Inklusive Europäische Projekte zur Förderung der aktiven europäischen Bürgerschaft
• Berichterstattung und Dokumentation von Missständen durch Fotos, Filme und Zeitungsartikel
• Schulungen und Workshops für behinderte Schüler.
Diakonisches Werk Bremen ist Wohlfahrtsverband der sozialen Arbeit der Evangelischen Kirchen im Bundesland Bremen und vertritt 45 Organisationen. Dort sind rund 3.500 Angestellte und über 900 Freiwillige beschäftigt. Angebote für Menschen mit Behinderungen sind ein Schwerpunkt unserer Organisationen mit mehreren Dienstleister im Bereich des Wohnens, Tagesstätten und Freizeit-Zentren und Rehabilitationsangebote sowie auch Beschäftigung für Langzeitarbeitslose. Künstlerische Arbeit spielt eine wichtige Rolle und hat uns zu verschiedenen, auch internationalen Projekten inspiriert. Während solcher früherer Arbeiten haben wir gelernt, wie die Einbindung in internationale Projekte Motivation und Selbstbewusstsein von Menschen mit Beeinträchtigungen stärken kann und wie auch das öffentliche Bewusstsein für diese Herausforderungen dadurch wächst.
Otistik Çocuklar Koruma Yönlendirme Derneği - ODER (Izmir) ist eine Vereinigung von Eltern von Kindern mit Autismus, im Jahr 2000 gegründet. Sie hat mehr als 350 Mitglieder der Oder. Die Mehrheit der Mitglieder sind Eltern von autistischen Kindern, und zusätzlich sind Personen engagiert, die als professioneller Mitarbeiter und Freiwilligen in diesem Feld arbeiten..
Towarzystwo Wspierania Inicjatyw Spoecznych (TWIS) Alpi, Bialystok (Gesellschaft zur Förderung von Sozialen Initiativen) besteht seit 2008. und konzentriert sich hauptsächlich auf die Durchführung von Bildungs-, Integrations-und sozialen Aktivitäten: Unterstützung und Hilfe für Menschen mit Behinderungen und ihre Familien, die Förderung von Kultur, Kunst, Sport und Sport, die Förderung der Bildung und Ausbildung. Vom Beginn seiner Tätigkeit an arbeitete TWIS Alpi mit Menschen mit Behinderungen. So wurden die folgenden Initiativen umgesetzt:
• Ein Club für Erwachsene mit leichter bis mittelschwerer geistiger Behinderung
• Projekt "Integration Stadt - Wir arbeiten zusammen"
• Projekt "Identität Stadt ohne Ausgrenzung".
Die Mission ist es, interessante und ehrgeizige Initiativen in verschiedenen Bereichen zu unterstützen. und Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiet der Arbeit mit Erwachsenen geistigen Behinderungen zu teilen.
Fundatia Crestina Diakonia Sf Gheorghe - Casa Irisz ist im Bereich der häuslichen Pflege sowie mit Angeboten für Menschen mit Behinderungen tätig. Haus Irisz ist eine Tagesstätte für Menschen mit körperlichen, geistigen oder psychischen Behinderung über 18 Jahren und bietet Betreuung mit dem Ziel der Integration in den Arbeitsmarkt. Die Menschen können ihre persönliche und berufliche Perspektive entwickeln und sich aktiv in den Integrationsprozess einbringen. In verschiedenen Therapien (wie Psychotherapie, Chino, Ergotherapie, Physiotherapie, Schwimmen Therapie) erhalten die jungen Erwachsenen individuelle Unterstützung bei der Stärkung der Kernkompetenzen (Autonomie, etc.) und in Bezug auf die Berufswahl. Jeder Jugendliche hat sein eigenes Entwicklungsprogramm, das im Rahmen der Bildungsplanung dokumentiert ist. Um die größtmögliche Unterstützung für junge Menschen zu erreichen, word doies durch Familienarbeit ergänzt.
Zeitplan der internationalen Begegnungen im Projekt
5.-7.Dezember 2013: Treffen in Sf Gheorghe (Rumänien)
April 2014 (ca. 23.4.): Treffen in Izmir
Oktober 2014: Treffen in Bialystok
März 2015: Treffen in Bremen
Ende Juni 2015: Treffen in Palermo
Our idea of "inclusion"
The idea of inclusion is a new concept, promoted by the United Nations Charta of the rights of Disabled persons and stil in discussion. Especially in Germany we see some problems of understanding -this is the reason why the influential Social Lottery "Aktion Mensch" - published this postcard. It describes, usind some mosaical elements, the difference between a situation of "Exclusion" were a group of persons are not part of the society and have no rights and no possibility to contribute to it. Living, leaqrning and working might take place in special institutions far away from everyday life or in families which have to "hide" members and feel excluded themselves. The situation called "Integration" shows that the same group is now considered part of the community, but still kept apart (perhaps in special living, schools, workplaces ... where there is maybe a high standard of assistance but reduced possbilities of contact to others). Only in the "inclusive" picture al people are part of the society or community, and the effect is that there are more colours in the society as a whole, when all people see no more necessity to follow a certain way of life which is defined as "normal".
Freitag, 19. Juli 2013
Summary and Partners of the Application
These are exerpts from the final application!
Summary: There is progress in the matters of inclusion and barrier reduction in Europe, but persons with disability and their parents, friends or service providers still see a lot of “missing pieces” in the mosaic of their life opportunities. Our partnership – organizations responsible for day centers, leisure time activities, parents’ work and advocacy cooperating with persons with disability from Italy, Poland, Romania, Germany and Turkey - gives to disabled people, volunteers and staff members a stage to share experience, discussing on the condition of people with disabilities in the different cities and countries, exchanging good practices and strategies for a real inclusion and offering them means and competences to play an active role in order to overcome the “missing pieces” in the mosaic of inclusion. This work is encouraged by the encounter between the social theme and artistic field through the practical making of mosaics with everyday use materials and the visit to mosaics of different kinds in the partner cities. The participants will meet the different traditions and techniques of the art of mosaics and persons with multiple handicaps take a leading role and show themselves as experts in the discovery of this unique heritage of European culture past and present. In a practical and creative way, all participants train their competence in problem solving, initiative and entrepreneurial spirit. The project participants will be involved in some local workshops and activities, and other joint activities and meetings realized during 5 mobility fluxes. The results of our discussions as well as the art objects encountered and produced together will be shown and disseminated via many barrier-free ways in the partners’ local communities as well as on a broader European scale.
Summary: There is progress in the matters of inclusion and barrier reduction in Europe, but persons with disability and their parents, friends or service providers still see a lot of “missing pieces” in the mosaic of their life opportunities. Our partnership – organizations responsible for day centers, leisure time activities, parents’ work and advocacy cooperating with persons with disability from Italy, Poland, Romania, Germany and Turkey - gives to disabled people, volunteers and staff members a stage to share experience, discussing on the condition of people with disabilities in the different cities and countries, exchanging good practices and strategies for a real inclusion and offering them means and competences to play an active role in order to overcome the “missing pieces” in the mosaic of inclusion. This work is encouraged by the encounter between the social theme and artistic field through the practical making of mosaics with everyday use materials and the visit to mosaics of different kinds in the partner cities. The participants will meet the different traditions and techniques of the art of mosaics and persons with multiple handicaps take a leading role and show themselves as experts in the discovery of this unique heritage of European culture past and present. In a practical and creative way, all participants train their competence in problem solving, initiative and entrepreneurial spirit. The project participants will be involved in some local workshops and activities, and other joint activities and meetings realized during 5 mobility fluxes. The results of our discussions as well as the art objects encountered and produced together will be shown and disseminated via many barrier-free ways in the partners’ local communities as well as on a broader European scale.
Associazione Uniamoci Onlus (Palermo – Italy) is a non-profit organization that works in the field of integration, safeguard and disabled people’s social assistance. The activities carried out by Uniamoci Onlus Association are:
· Promotion and implementation of local projects aimed at promoting the rights of disabled people
· Activities aimed at the social integration of disabled people: organization of trips and periodical recreational events
· Planning and implementation of European project involving disabled people, aimed to the realization of social inclusion, the promotion of the European active citizenship and giving mobility opportunities both to able-bodied and disabled young and adult people
· Positive actions in the field of local social and cultural promotion
· Constant complain about the injustices towards disabled people, documented through photos, movies and newspaper articles
· Organization of trainings and workshops for disabled learners
The association counts more than 140 persons (80% are young people and 50% are young disabled people). It carries out its activities by the help and the contribution of a competent staff of 20 people (consisting of administrative figures, lawyers, planners, physiotherapists and psychologists) and the support of several volunteers. The Association headquarter and operative center is a building confiscated to Mafia given in free loan to Associazione Uniamoci Onlus by Palermo's town council; it is located in Brancaccio, a disadvantaged area in Palermo.
Diakonisches Werk Bremen (Bremen - Germany) is, as organization of the social work of Protestant Churches in the Region of Bremen and one of the Regional Head Welfare Associations, involved in various activities with and in behalf of people with disadvantages and disabilities (rehabilitation, counseling, assisted living, integration in labor market, family education) and represents 45 organizations, employing about 3.500 people and working together with about 900 volunteers. The work of the inclusion of disabled persons in a focus point of our organization, as there are multiple services for persons with multiple and severe handicaps in assisted living, day and leisure time centers and rehabilitation as well as advocacy work for inclusion and better living conditions. Often there are "double" or multiple handicaps when the situation of disability coincidences with a migration background or living in disadvantaged parts of the city. During earlier work we learned how the involvement in international projects especially in the PLL framework helps to strengthen motivation, self-conciousness and public awareness for the competences of disabled persons. Being part in an European Learning Partnership will give them additional perspectives and a conciousness for the broader aspects of their engagement. There are several day centers for 'disabled persons within our framework where "art groups" are working and would like to participate in the proceedings of our partnership.
Otistik Çocuklar Koruma Yönlendirme Derneği - ODER (Izmir - Turkey)is an association founded by parents of children with autism. ODER was founded on January 2000.There are more than 350 members of ODER. The majority of members are parents of autistic children, and other than that, there are people engaged anc concerned about autism as a professional staff and volunteers, eager to learn more and spread knowledge about this type of disability. The project participants are the instructors, volunteers and association members (parents of children with these neurons-developmental disorders.
Towarzystwo Wspierania Inicjatyw Społecznych Alpi (Bialystok - Poland) - Society for the Promotion of Social Initiatives - has been in operation since 2008. The activity of the association focuses mainly on the implementation of educational, integration and social activities. From the beginning of its activity TWIS Alpi worked with people with disabilities. During the last 4 years, on behalf of The Department of Social Affairs and the Department of Education Culture and Sport of Białystok City our association has carried on rehabilitation and educational activities aimed at disabled, children and youth.
The Association has experience in projects funded by public and EU resources. Recently the following initiatives were implemented:
- An Integration Club for adults with mild and moderate intellectual disabilities supported 20 people with disabilities
- “Integration City - We Create Together” supported 10 disabled, 10 able-bodied persons.
- Integration Club for adults with mild and moderate intellectual disabilities
- "Identity Cities without exclusion," which involved 32 people with intellectual disabilities ; the period of this project :October 2010 – November 2012.
Our aim as TWIS ALPI is to work in the field of public tasks for the promotion of social initiatives. These are: support and assistance for people with disabilities and their families; promoting culture, arts, physical education and sports; promoting dog education and training (dog school); promoting innovative educational and social initiatives.
We are a team of creative people, full of ambitions and passions, which we want to carry onto other people. Our mission is to support interesting and ambitious initiatives within different fields of interest. In people we see high potential and we try to help them to activate an energy that is inside them. We created a place, where every person finds something for itself. We strongly believe that our actions will leave a permanent mark and will allow our members to experience many emotional and memorable moments. We are ready to share our experiences in field of working with adults intellectual disabled.
Fundaţia Creştină Diakonia Sfântu Gheorghe - Casa Irisz (Sfântu Gheorghe - Romania) is active in the area of home care, as well as in the disability field. Irisz House is a diaconal day care center. It addresses people with physical, mental or emotional disability aged over 18 years of age and offer treatment with the goal of integration into the workforce. We encourage people to develop their personal and professional perspectives and help them to participate actively in the integration process. In connection with the integration of different therapies (as Psychotherapy, Chino therapy, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, swimming therapy) are caused by the young adults receive individual support. We support them in strengthening key competencies (autonomy, etc.) and in terms of career choices. Every youth has its own development program, which is documented in the context of education planning. To achieve the greatest possible support for young people, we work with the families. Due to the holistic development of many young people achieve progress of Intragation successfully both in society and in the workplace
Preparing the Realisation
To prepare the application for a Grundtvig partnership in the 2013 call, we organized a Preparatory Meeting at Bremen in January. Here are some snapshots
We prepared the application texts and made field visits to Bremen Central and local train stations ("Bahnhofsmission assistance service and accessability of railway connection) and to the Employment project "Pro Shop". We saw that the network of accessability of public transport has its "missing pieces" epseciial in suburban stations and a decdent workplace is still a missing pience in the life of many idsabled persons.
Mittwoch, 17. Juli 2013
The idea for an inclusive European partnership
The idea to use mosaics as topic and method of a Learning Partnership where persons with various disabilities play a leading part was developed during the forner European acitivites of Diakonisches Werk Bremen, as the Leonardo Parntership 2009-11 "Training of Care Staff for People with Diasability, EST (European Shared Treasure) database entry link, the Grundtvig Partnership "Social Inclusion of Adults with Learning Disability", EST database entry link and the Grundtvig Senior Volunteers Exchange "Free Age - Senior Volunteers Meeting Young Disabled People", ESt database entry link
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